Welcome to the mid-year giving update, 2023!

Thank You!

There are 2 things we really want to share with you this year about the giving that YOU have made possible. The first are some reflections from our owner and founder, Dara. “I planted, but God gave the growth. He gave us you!” The second is a video from our trip to Uganda to visit our partners, Ekisa Ministries, this past February.

Most of all, we want to say “Thank You!” It is your purchases that are making a POWERFUL impact on
the world.

It’s Because Of You

Epiphany exists as a locally owned women’s boutique, committed to giving generously to organizations that address the needs of ‘the least of these’ (Matt. 25:40). Though she doesn’t like to talk about it, our owner and founder, Dara Buczynsky, has been so committed to this vision for the last nine years that she has donated 100% of the store’s profits to local and global charities and missions.

Today, we get to share that, to date, our giving total is


"God met the desires of my heart because they were His desires. He has made it all possible,
through our wonderful customers. This is bigger than me, bigger than us, and what a beautiful gift
that we get to do it - together.” - Dara


Our Visit To Ekisa In Uganda

This year we were honored to visit Ekisa, a ministry in Uganda who we have been honored to support for several years. Ekisa is an organization joined by a former employee that supports kids with special needs by providing medical intervention services, physical therapy, and is committed to training families and reuniting children with disabilities to their village and home.

“We envision a world where every child grows up in a family, celebrated and loved despite his or her disability.”
- Ekisa

Dear friend, as a loyal customer, YOU are part of this story now too.

Through your purchases you are giving a child a chance - You are giving them hope.

Finally, and we cannot overstate this enough - THANK YOU for shopping with us!

This is all possible because of YOU!

We are humbled that we get to do this together, and honored that you choose us again and again. We hope you feel as encouraged by this update as we are joyful to give it! 
